Monday, March 30, 2009

Jumping Jaxon and Rykers!!

Will and I took the kids to Jumping Jacks on Wednesday. We had to do an indoor activity since the wind has been blowing like a freakin tornado for two weeks now!! Its getting really old!! However on the bright side we had a really good time at Jumping Jacks. The boys played for over two hours! They were totally worn out by the time we went home!Ryker climbing the BIG slide! I tried to get Jaxon but he was too fast and I was struggling with the camera!! Ryke looked so small climbing up there! That child is fearless though and headed straight for it!! Jax had gone up and down twice by the time Ryke made it to the top!!Jax and Ryker coming down together! Jax really wanted a picture of them together. However you can see by Rykers face that he was not so fond of that idea!!
Willie and the boys! It is one of the funner things at Jumping Jacks is that parents can slide too! It really is a good workout!! Too bad no photos of me!! :)

Jaxon slithering off the slide!

Ryker he is so hard to get a good picture of!! OH WELL!

Brothers! Ryker was very afraid that he was going to smash into me. He is lecturing me right here on standing to close to the slide!

Cute boys! I love them!
Just chillin at the top!

So during our two hour visit they turned off the lights and lit the strobe lights and had a little dance party! Jaxon was doing some major breakdancing! It was hilarious! This picture doesnt do it justice! Ryker had nothing to do with it. He just wanted to slide and was just fine with sliding in the dark!
This is seriously a fun place to take the kids and wear them clear out when the weather is being retarted!


Donnie and Kristi said...

Jill! That's like, 2 posts in 2 days or something! Yeah! Looks like fun, too bad I'm a lame-o or my kids could enjoy life. I love Jaxon!

Mutt and Karlee Hall said...

How fun...they have something like this here in Tucson. My boys love it too. Don't you love spoiling your kids sometimes and doing fun stuff like this?? I love it when they get worn out too!! Less energy to run around like crazy boys at home. :)

Kerry said...

We LOVE jumpin jacks! Minus the your kids get burned from the slide? Logan does, so I dress him in long sleeves and pants, then he usually is the only one there dressed like that and he looks like a polygamist:) and he sweats to death!

Elin Brotherson said...

Man lets go together when we come down and stay that looks like so much fun, I know madi and Jace would love it as much as Jax and Ryke!!

Busted Shoelace said...

That looks like so much fun. Did you go down, too? Where was that at? I miss seeing you around, but it looks like things are going well for you. I hope you like your new neighborhood (but miss me a little). I still haven't found a new walkng partner. How are you and the kids doing?

The Sumkos said...

How fun is that!! I wish we had something like that around here, Dax would love it! I miss you darling!