Monday, April 20, 2009

waiting for Lucinda Maurice

We have a bit of a Thursday tradition that the boys LOVE, Cindy or more affectionately known in our house as Grandma Lucinda Maurice has the day off of work. Which means a day of fun with grandma. Usually shopping. Which I love. The boys will do whatever they just like spending time with her! Cindy had called and said she would be over to pick us up in a few minutes. The boys couldnt possibly wait inside. The ran out the minute I told them she was coming. I thought it was a great photo shot. I need to remember next time to snap some when we are with Cindy!!

Sharing a little love. I am not so sure Ryker is into this. But Diggy loves to try and kiss him or put his arm around him when we are snapping photos! I think its really cute. Will thinks it a little wierd! I am just glad that they like each other!Jaxon giving us his toothless smile! He is missing two teeth on the bottom and one on the top is loose! I love this phase! Its really cute to hear all about how is teeth are loose!

Ryker cheesing it up. I tried forever to get a picture of him sitting down. He just doesnt sit long enough!

patiently waiting for Grandma! Thanks Cindy for sharing your Thursdays with us. We look forward to it all week long! We love you!

1 comment:

Josh & Ann said...

Jaxon looks so big in those pictures! It hasn't been that long since we seen you guys last. Crazy!