Saturday, August 29, 2009

My 2 little chits!

While the boys and I were up getting the grandkids pictures done. I stayed with Lora for a few days. Lora and I had Kristy take some more pics of our kids! There are alot of pictures on this post! But they all turned out so cute, how do you choose??Jax on the tracks. He was being so lame with smiling!
Ryker and Jax


Jax and Ryke, this is one of my FAVS!

Jax was so excited when Kristy let him do his own pose! He just cant believe how good this pose was!!

Jax and Ryke!

Ryker and Beedie Boo! He takes this dog EVERYWHERE!! Notice that he is in most of the pictures!! Plus he is sucking his two fingers! He has done that FOREVER!!


My boys!

Jax with his forced smile! He was trying so hard to get a good smile!!
Jaxon I cant believe how big he is!!
Thanks again Kristy!


Tonia said...

Your boys are so cute!

Lora said...

That was so fun having you guys up here! We need to do it again!