Tuesday, January 6, 2009

How cute are they?

I thought these picures were priceless. Jaxon is IN LOVE with the guitar. He wants to play it everyday and not just strum the strings, he really wants to be able to play songs. He does his best. Which lets be honest is no that good. Since I know nothing about guitar playing. I cant really help. But Ryker thinks he is an awesome player. He got out Willies pocket hymn book that he had on his mission and was singing I am a Child of God, Little house in the middle of the woods, and another blend of like three or four songs that he learned in nursery. While Jax played him the tune. They had just woken up like 30 minutes earlier so please dont mind the way they look!!

Jaxon is so patient with Ryker .I love these two boys!!Yes those are cowboy boots that Ryker is wearing with his cut off tshirt and warm up pants that he had worn to bed that night. He only takes those darn boots off for bed everynight. Only because I make him. They are on again by the time he comes out of his room in the morning!!


Lora said...

Funny! They are too cute! I can't wait to see you guys this weekend!

Natalie said...

LOL! So cute Jill. Stetson was the same way with cowboy boots when he was that age and he is that way now about the guitar!

Monson Family said...

That is so cute and so sweet! Isn't it so heart warming to see siblings being so sweet to eachother!?! I LOVE it! They are so cute! What a great moment and good job for capturing it!!

Three Guys and a Gal said...

Natalie funny that you should mention Stetson and his boots. I was tending him when he was around that age and I actually remember that now that you say it. Always with his little LEVIS. OOH it makes me miss all the babysitting! Your kids were and are still so cute!!