Saturday, March 28, 2009

chasing the ice cream truck...

Since we have moved to this house the boys live outside and almost every friday and saturday Jaxon comes in the house and makes a mad dash out the front to catch the ice cream truck. It plays music and Jaxon can seriously here it a mile away. Normallly for some reason I tell him we dont need any ice cream today. I dont know why? I mean really what is the big deal if they have a little treat? Finally I broke down and let them get an ice cream. They loved it. It was really the cutest thing to watch Jaxon stand in the street and wave the ice cream truck over. He was so afraid it would not stop!! It did however and they got there ice cream!!Jaxon and Ryker both chose Spongebob. Suprise!
Jaxon with his treat. He had all ready eaten off the gumball eyes!!

Ryker, he doesnt sit still long enough to get a good picture. I took seven and this was the best I got!!
Again Ryker looks sorta nerdy but you get the point!! They were so happy! I must say they were pretty tasty. We may just get another one next Saturday!!


Lora said...

That's it. Me and the kids are dying to come visit you! We want to get ice-cream, too!!

Three Guys and a Gal said...

it was some really good ice cream!! I cant wait for you to come. If I had known thats all it was going to take I would have let the boys buy some earlier!!

Jennifer said...

Hey, If I would have known about the Ice Cream truck we would have come up for Spring Break, lol! Hopefully this summer. Tell the boys to go to our blog and they can hear a spongebob song the kids put on! Go SPONGEBOB!

Jill said...

Way cute. I love the Spongebob ice cream they are so cool. Kassie is starting to say babob.

the coltons said...

i loved the ice cream truck!!! just part of being a kid. did we have an ice cream truck in monroe?

Donnie and Kristi said...

Ahhh, the old Spongebob ice cream, that happens to be the favorite in our house too. I always tell my kids I'll buy it if they let me eat the creepy black bubble gum eyes.

Elin Brotherson said...

How cute is that!! We want to come and get an ice cream from the ice cream truck!! Good thing Jax got his ears cleaned or he may have missed the music all together! We miss you guys!!

Unknown said...

How fun to have an ice cream truck in the neighborhood. I wish we had one. That will come in handy for you this summer when it's so hot, hot, hot down there!