Thursday, March 19, 2009

Spring has Sprung!!

The weather has finally gotten warm and stayed warm!! I am so glad! Willie had me and the boys out doing yard work yesterday. It is only my least favorite thing to do in the whole entire world. However the weather was so nice. I didnt fight (much) about going out and weeding! Our new yard is huge. Which means we get alot of weeds. We got them mostly taken care of and then Will and the boys went to work on the sprinklers since most of them were broken. Once Willie turned them on to see which ones needed to be fixed the boys stripped down to there shorts and shoes. I wasnt too fond of them wearing there shoes. Oh well. But anyways, they ended up running through the sprinklers for a good hour. Mind you its only 70 degrees but they loved it.Ryker and Will fixing the sprinkler
Jaxon pushing the four wheeler! doesnt he look so cute with his shirt off pushing the four wheeler!!

This is his Hulk stance!! He thought he was so cool!!

Ryker running through the sprinklers!

Karate (dont ask)

Ryker wasnt too sure about the water at first! I love that face!!


Busted Shoelace said...

I'm so jealous of your yard. It looks huge! I miss our walks. I still haven't found a new walking partner. :( Yeah, we moved into the Tobler's house on 440 N. (across from the Shepherds). We like it a lot, so far. We'll have to get together soon.

Jentry said...

Your boys are the cutest!!