Thursday, March 19, 2009

Shake that new hip Mama!!

My mom had her left hip replaced on the 9th of march. She has had really bad arthritis in her hip for awhile now so they decided it was out with the old and in with the new!! She had her surgery done in Cedar which i was glad for because I got to go down and visit her! I took my camera to get some pictures. However I didnt take any.I dont think she would have wanted me too! She looked really good however and was walking so good! I was so worried to have her do surgery. Hip surgery doesnt have the most fond memories for me. I was a mess all Sunday and Monday until my Dad called to say she was out of surgery and had done really well! She went home that Thursday and boy was she ready!! The day she got home she sounded so good on the phone and has sounded even better everyday since! I cant wait to go and see her! Jaxon too is very curious to what went on. He thinks that she has a "fake leg" now that she takes on and off at night! I tried to explain what had gone on and that she could walk. He doesnt think I am right however!!
We are so glad that you are doing so good Mom/Granny! We love you so much! Thanks for all you do for us and for loving my kids the way only a Granny can do!! Your really are the best Mom! I love you!!


Natalie said...

Get well Carolee!

Donnie and Kristi said...

Ahhh, I'm so glad she's doing good! She'll be out on the farm kickin cow turds in no time!

Tonia said...

I'm glad to hear she is doing well.

the coltons said...

my mom and i went and saw your mom this afternoon. it was the first time i have been in their new house! i miss your mom and dad!