Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ryker turns 3

I seriously cant believe did he turn 3 all ready? I dont know how he got this old. I offically have no more babies! Ryker is so grown up these days:( I guess it comes with age...I am still not so sure about it! Rykers birthday was on the 21. We had his party on the 20th due to Jaxons and Maggies ball games. Cindy, Maggie, Chey chey, Bill, Shauna, Aunt Laurie and her kids all came for the party! Thanks you guys its never a party without all of you there!! We had a really fun day. Ryker didnt quite no what to think about a birthday. When he woke up I sang him happy birthday in my beautiful voice, which I know he loved. When I was done he said "Thanks Mommy, Happy Birthday to you too!" He continued all day to say Happy Birthday back to anyone that said Happy Birthday to him! He was so shy about it and would put his hand over his mouth after he said it! He is the cutest Ryker I know! I love him to death! This I just a classic picture of Ryker that Jaxon took. He is such a free spirited little spitfire, that I had to put this picture in the bunch!I am not a cake maker. Dont claim to be. I make there cake on there first birthday and after that we buy it! I let them pick whatever cake they want. We got this one at Wal Mart. Yes its true Krusti I bought it at wall mart. I know you are dying right now. Its really one of the worst decorated cakes I have ever seen...however Ryker was IN LOVE! He couldnt believe they made his Bolt cake "so beautiful"!
Humoring me for a picture with the cake!Ryker really just wanted to blow out candles and eat. He wasnt too fond of all the photos. He is still so cute....with what else but a dirty face!Opening his haul. He took the Bolt dog off his birthday cake and bolt had to open all of the presents. Ryker was talking for Bolt in the sweetest voice! It sure took him awhile to open his presents, but it ws oh so cute!Posing with his bat and ball. Thanks chey chey mikell!!Will, Jaxon and I got him a Power Wheels four wheeler that he could ride in the backyard without Mom and Dad having to be watching him the whole time! Now he can cruise around with Diggy.Jaxon was trying to show him how everything works. You can tell how well his was listening!:)Ryker, Kaden, and Jaron playing horse! Thanks Laurie and kids for the gifts he loved them!
The day after his birthday we took the four wheeler out and let him give it a whirl. He loved it. He was not happy to wait all night. But he didnt even get it till 9 that night before! Jaxon and Ryker have been tearing up the backyard for day now! Its such an easy way to weed!
We are so glad Ryker is part of our family! We love you Spike Lee!!

Monday, April 20, 2009


We had tons of fun last week. My sister Lora and her four kids came up and stayed for a few days. The weather was awful, but I still had a blast I think the kids did too! The boys collected bugs outside for hours. Well I should say Kaden collected and the other kids sorta watched. He ended up catching 18 cockroaches! GROSS I know. I am happy to say that they were all caught outside not inside. Of course they caught them in a plastic bug catchers. So by morning most of them were dead. So us normal people would be thankful and throw the dead bugs out! Oh not these five boys. There was a lovely funeral, In which Jax and Kaden said a prayer for each one of them! They buried them in the backyard and put rock "headstones" for each of them. It was a little wierd, but really one of the cutest things! A little male bonding. They were there own "gang" I wish I could remember what they were calling themselves. Of course I cant though! I thought this picture was so stinking cute!
This is Megan, very glad to NOT be a part of the gang! Poor girl was stuck with all boys all week! Lora, Megan and I made cookies and watch some "girl" tv while the boys were being boys!
The Isbells brought us into the Bakugan world. If any of you are as clueless as I was to what these things are I will explain. I guess its a tv show that comes on in the morning and now they are the craze. At least in American Fork, and now in the Nikolaus house. I have still never seen the show. However the boys and I know the theme song by hurt thanks to Brandons lovely singing of it about a hundred times daily! The Bakugans are the little round balls in the middle of the circle of cards. They open up into a guy of sorts when they are put on metal.

Heres an up close view!

This is all of the kids and they Bakugans are opened. You cant really tell though. Sorry bad picture!!
My boys didnt own any Bakugans when the Isbell showed up with theirs. My boys thought they were the coolest things ever, since the weather was windy and rainy. We took all the kids to Target and let them each buy another or in my boys case there first Bakugan. It entertained them the whole week!
Thanks Lora, Brandon, Megan, Pkader, and Native American for spending the week with us! I cant wait till we all get together again! It was a blast! I am still not sure if I should thank you for bringing Bakugans to our family or not! haha

waiting for Lucinda Maurice

We have a bit of a Thursday tradition that the boys LOVE, Cindy or more affectionately known in our house as Grandma Lucinda Maurice has the day off of work. Which means a day of fun with grandma. Usually shopping. Which I love. The boys will do whatever they just like spending time with her! Cindy had called and said she would be over to pick us up in a few minutes. The boys couldnt possibly wait inside. The ran out the minute I told them she was coming. I thought it was a great photo shot. I need to remember next time to snap some when we are with Cindy!!

Sharing a little love. I am not so sure Ryker is into this. But Diggy loves to try and kiss him or put his arm around him when we are snapping photos! I think its really cute. Will thinks it a little wierd! I am just glad that they like each other!Jaxon giving us his toothless smile! He is missing two teeth on the bottom and one on the top is loose! I love this phase! Its really cute to hear all about how is teeth are loose!

Ryker cheesing it up. I tried forever to get a picture of him sitting down. He just doesnt sit long enough!

patiently waiting for Grandma! Thanks Cindy for sharing your Thursdays with us. We look forward to it all week long! We love you!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

One sexy baseball player

Jaxon has started baseball. He is so excited we eat, sleep and breathe baseball these days. Everything he says or does lately ties back to the game. Its really cute actually! He had his first game last Tuesday night. Seriously is not the cutest player you have ever seen! I think he was born to play sports. Must be a gene he got from Will. Heaven knows it didnt come from me!!
Waiting for his turn to bat. Everyone gets a chance to bat. We go through the batting order on both teams twice and that the game!

He is a heavy hitter too! He really smacked them out there!

Diggy at bat!

His outfield stance. Will and the boys play sports every free chance Will has. You dont even have to tell Diggy to get down and wait for the ball its just automatic for him! I can brag right? I mean he is my first born on his first baseball team!!

Diggy is the one walking in.

I dont know why but it was such an emotional day for me. His first game seemed like such a big deal! He looked so grown up. Will has been talking about him playing baseball since before he was born. I was having burst of tears throughout the game. I know it really is sorta lame to cry. All I can say is I am my mothers daughter so give me a little slack!!

Team cheer at the end of the game. Jax is number four. His team name are the Angels. He is so proud!!

No suprise to find Ryker climbing the fence the whole game! I have noticed that he climbs fences no matter where we are! He is too cute! Ryker was really upset that he doesnt get to play. Good thing the fence kept him entertained throughout the game!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Calling Dr. Jaxon...

In school yesterday Diggy learned about Doctors. They have been learning all about the body and how everything works. He has been so excited to go to school lately. He is so fasinated with all of this. I picked him up from school and he told me not to touch him because his backpack was full of "VERY IIMPORTANT THINGS"!! I was so curious to see what it was! When we got home he showed me is doctors bag and everything in it. He couldnt wait to get all geared up and see his first patient!!
He made a hat, got a mask, tongue depresser, gloves, "ticker listener" as jax calls it, Shot syringe, and a cotton ball to dab the blood after the shot.

Jaxon with his medical supplies. Ryke

Dr. Jaxon ready to practice on his first patient who is non other then.....
Ryker!! Poor patient he didnt really know what he was getting himself into!!

"The checkup" Ryker was diagnosed "very sick" He had about 200 hundred shots through out the day and had his "ticker" checked at least that many. Dr. Jaxon also looked into his mouth. But only once so his tongue depresser didnt get "all slobbery". Ryker was such a good patient. They played FOR HOURS. Ryker just did whatever the Dr. told him to do! I was the nurse. I was told "all you really need to do is cook chicken nuggets and snacks for the Dr. and Ryke". I guess thats what nurses do when the are moms too!!
Jax also said "I really wish I would have taken this stuff to Grannys house, I am sure I could have gotten that scar off her leg." Watch out Mom it looks like you may have to be seen by another Doctor!!

For a bit of really good news. My Mom is down to one crutch now and start putting weight gradually on her left leg!! She is also able to drive!! She is doing sooo good. You shouldnt be able to do any of this for six to eight weeks!! We love you Granny!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Ropin on a windy day...

Okay so I had to get another bad word in on all the wind. I am sick of it and maybe the more I complain it will go away!! :) Willie and Bill (his dad) were out roping the other day and I got some good pictures! The kids LOVE to go and watch. Everyday they ask me if "Dad is ropin tonight". Even though Will barely shows any emotions ever I know he loves it too!
Bill let Jaxon run the chutes the last few times that the boys have gone. He has his "cow hitting stick" That he taps the steers with so they will move up into the chute. Then he waits for Bill to give him the signal and he opens the chute so the steers can come out. It is motorized so he just has to hit a button. He loves it. I wanted to get some really good pictures of this because it was really really cute. The fact that Jaxon wasnt too scared to do it was a small miracle!! However when I went over to get some pictures I was informed by my five year old that I obviously didnt understand how important his job was. He didnt have time for pictures and he didnt want me taking any. He was way too busy and he didnt want the camera to make the cows mad!!:( He is so cute!! I did get a few but they werent as good as I would have liked!!

While Diggy was busy running the chutes. Ryker was climbing fences and getting into all the trouble he could find. Which is typical. That child keeps me on my toes at all times!! I love the picture of him on the fence it is so stinking cute!!

Willie is the guy in the green shirt.
Bill on Kirby
Bill and Will roping.
Willie coming into the chutes.
Bill on Kirby and Will on Rapor.

Ryker riding after the guys roped!!
Willie trying to get Ryker of Raper. Its a long process. It took a total of almost thirty minutes to get him off!! He loves to ride!!

Thanks Bill for letting us come out and rope! The boys have had so much fun!