Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Calling Dr. Jaxon...

In school yesterday Diggy learned about Doctors. They have been learning all about the body and how everything works. He has been so excited to go to school lately. He is so fasinated with all of this. I picked him up from school and he told me not to touch him because his backpack was full of "VERY IIMPORTANT THINGS"!! I was so curious to see what it was! When we got home he showed me is doctors bag and everything in it. He couldnt wait to get all geared up and see his first patient!!
He made a hat, got a mask, tongue depresser, gloves, "ticker listener" as jax calls it, Shot syringe, and a cotton ball to dab the blood after the shot.

Jaxon with his medical supplies. Ryke

Dr. Jaxon ready to practice on his first patient who is non other then.....
Ryker!! Poor patient he didnt really know what he was getting himself into!!

"The checkup" Ryker was diagnosed "very sick" He had about 200 hundred shots through out the day and had his "ticker" checked at least that many. Dr. Jaxon also looked into his mouth. But only once so his tongue depresser didnt get "all slobbery". Ryker was such a good patient. They played FOR HOURS. Ryker just did whatever the Dr. told him to do! I was the nurse. I was told "all you really need to do is cook chicken nuggets and snacks for the Dr. and Ryke". I guess thats what nurses do when the are moms too!!
Jax also said "I really wish I would have taken this stuff to Grannys house, I am sure I could have gotten that scar off her leg." Watch out Mom it looks like you may have to be seen by another Doctor!!

For a bit of really good news. My Mom is down to one crutch now and start putting weight gradually on her left leg!! She is also able to drive!! She is doing sooo good. You shouldnt be able to do any of this for six to eight weeks!! We love you Granny!!


Brant Nikolaus said...

This post made me laugh so hard. I think you have a future doctor on your hands.

Katie Nikolaus said...

I love it!!! He's a good lookin' doctor just like his Uncle Brant! And they have the same hair!!!

Elin Brotherson said...

How cute is Jax!!! I love him tons!! Lets get together, I am needing to come down and get a break from this crappy weather.

Donnie and Kristi said...

Wow, we needed Doctor Jaxon at our house today! Rylee was bitten by a shark (that's the story we were told) while she was swinging outside! It was tragic, really.

the coltons said...

so jill, i didn't realize lindsey was your sister in law! she's one of my visiting teachers and when they were asking where i was from, she was like my SIL is from monroe, her name's jill and i was like jenson??? :) crazy! her little girl is so cute!

small world, eh?

Tricia said...

What a cute story! I'm so glad you now have Dr. in your house in all those times of need.

Busted Shoelace said...

That is too cute. I love kid's imaginations. Thanks for sharing the funny story.