Monday, February 23, 2009

The first tooth is GONE!!

We had quite the happening in the Nikolaus house last night. Jax lost his first tooth. It has been "wiggly" for 5-6 month now. No joke. However he was really afraid of loosing it. He didnt know for sure if one would grow back in its place and he didnt want to look like a "dork" forever!! However last night he says to me." I am really sick of this "wiggly teeth I am going to make it come out" He really did too. He pushed it back to see if it would touch his tongue. I heard the actual snap and then it was hanging by one thread and touching his tongue. Will helped him get it out of his mouth and now we have a Jack-0- Lantern for a son. Isnt he so cute without the tooth though!! He called all the grandparents to let them know he had lost his tooth. Then he says to me" oh no you forgot one person...Aunt Lauri" so he called Aunt Lauri too! Thanks to all the granparents and Lauri for answering your phones and making him feel so "cool" and "big".

THis is the actual tooth not the best picture but I am sure you get the idea!! I didnt know that four year olds even lost teeth! But we thought it was really cool! We put the tooth in an envelope so he could put it under his pillow. However Jax being Jax did not want the tooth fairy in his room. That would "totally creep" him out. So he put it on the kitchen cupboard. He asked Willie and I every ten minutes till he finally fell asleep around midnight if the tooth fairy would take a long time to get here. He didnt want to see him. He wanted to be sound asleep. He was actually really scared of the whole idea!! The tooth fairy made it and Jax is 5 dollars richer!!


Tonia said...

We have to Jercie's teeth under Mike's pillow, because she's afraid she'll scare the toothfairy away. Kids are funny!

Susie Walker said...

Now isn't his tooth fairy nice. When I was little we got a nice quarter! He looks really cute i can't wait to see him this weekend!!!!

Lora said...

5 dollars!? The tooth fairy isn't so generous at our house. Okay, so the tooth fairy is very hit and miss at our house. She has so many teeth to gather she can't make it everywhere each night, right?

Elin Brotherson said...

Jax totally makes me laugh!! I love him!!! I also remember the shiny quarter! Man 5 dollars, he is rich tell him I want a piece of that!!