Monday, February 23, 2009

Those deaf ears!

Jax had surgery again on his ears on Friday. He had tubes put in when he was 10 months old. Because of that they couldnt get wet and got a bit of a build up. They said the only way to get that much wax out so close to the ear drum was surgically remove it. Both of his tubes had also fallen out. So when they got in there to get the wax out they saw that the ears were really badly infected and needed new tubes put in. He has been almost completely deaf in one ear and the other he could hear about 40 % in. Since the wax was so bad they couldnt see all the infection. Which was also causing him to not hear well. Elin, TJ, Madi and Jace sent him balloons and Jelly beans! He was so excited. They got there right before we left and it really made his day!!
He was really excited about the surgery till he had to wear the hospital "nightgown" because that is for girls. We got it on him though and he looked so cute!!

He packed up his bag that morning before we left and took his blanket he sleeps with that he got from Grandma Dixie and Grandpa Glenn three years ago. He also packed his "farm" he sleeps with everynight. His 2 dogs Lionel uno and Lionel dos. His giraffe GIGI and his webkin cow Crash. Along with his leapster and all the games, some matchbox cars, some plastic farm animals. It was a very heavy bag!!Once he got the Leapster out he was doing much better. Willie met us at the hospital and Grandma Lucinda Maurice took Ryker to work with her and Chey Mikell took him to lunch while we were at the hospital. I was really glad that Willie was there. I am not one of those "strong"emotional people. When the wheeled him back he was fully awake and very scared to leave me. He was holding on to my hand and screaming. Of course I was totally crying. It was quite the ordeal. I am so glad Willie was there to calm us both down. The surgery went fine and he could hear again immediately after!! It was so awesome!!


Susie Walker said...

That is so sad. I would've cried too. I think you turn into an emotional mess once you have kids. I am glad he can hear again though.

Angie and Kyle said...

I am so glad that everything went okay! I would have been crying too.
And that is too cute about not wanting to wear a "gown"!

Lora said...

Pkader had to wear a gown before at the hospital, maybe that'll help him feel a little better.

Timar Lu said...

Well you can tell Jax that Keegan actually has 2 of that exact gown and many,many more...he likes to sleep in them?????
I am glad that he can hear and I am very happy that his Crash has beeb taken into the "farm" :)

Donnie and Kristi said...

Wow. I'm really excited that you let me know about all of this. His GF should have known! Mar would have totally sent him something! Sometimes you are the biggest pecker head! And it's DOS...dos.

Three Guys and a Gal said...

Krusti I do remember calling you over and over and got no response. hard to tell you things when you dont answer the phone. I love Krusti.

Mama Lu and Crew said...

Ah diggin Bones i am so proud of you. You are so brave. But i am happy that he can finally hear. It was getting old having to yell at him just to see what he wanted to eat. ha

Elin Brotherson said...

What a big Boy Jax Krax!! We love you, I hope you saved me some of those jelly beans!!

Monson Family said...

That situation is all too familiar!!! I can hear ya with the emotional part of it all! It is so sad when they have to take them away, fully awake and everything! I think they should allow atleast one person to go back with them until they are out. Good job on getting through it! I am so glad everything went well and things will be so much better now!!!

Tricia said...

I'm so glad everything went ok. I'm with you on being a weak momma! It's so hard seeing them in pain. I love that he didn't want to wear the gown. What a true little boy. Him and Trevor need to play with all thier collections before bed!!!